Winter Birds Ornaments

A bird feeder ornament hanging in a tree

Project: Christmas in a Nutshell

If you want to decorate your home in a unique and natural way, you can make winter birds ornaments out of walnuts! These delightful decorations are not only sustainable, but also easy to make and use only simple materials like walnuts, twine, and heavier paper.

Today, we introduce two projects: a bird house and a bird feeder.

Bird House

A birdhouse ornament made out of a walnut is a cute and charming decoration that can add a touch of whimsy to your home. To make this ornament, you’ll need a walnut shell, some twine, and a small piece of red heavy paper.

This birdhouse ornament is perfect for nature lovers or anyone who loves cute and quirky decor. You can place it on a bookshelf, hang it on a Christmas tree, or even give it as a gift to someone special. With its unique handmade charm and bright red roof, this walnut birdhouse ornament is sure to be a conversation starter and a favorite decoration for years to come.

Bird Feeder

A bird feeder made out of a walnut is a simple and eco-friendly way to attract birds to your garden or balcony. To make this bird feeder, you’ll need a walnut shell, some string, and bird food.

First, crack open the walnut shell and remove the nut. Then, using a small drill or a needle, poke two small holes on each side of the shell near the top. Thread a piece of string through each hole and tie a knot at the end to create a loop for hanging the feeder. Next, take some butter or lard, melt it and stir in the seeds. Then, pack it all in the walnut and refrigerate it to let it cool. Once done, hang your new walnut ornament up in a tree or on a hook. Birds will be attracted to the seeds and come to visit your feeder.

This simple and charming bird feeder made out of a walnut is a great way to appreciate nature. It’s also a fun DIY project that you can do with kids or friends. So why not give it a try and see what kind of feathered friends you can attract to your garden or balcony?

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